[MAR] "Calm down, Silk and let us explain" Marduk tried to say soothingly to the shaken man.

"Calm down? Calm down?!!!" Silk raged. " That gentleman whom I have never seen in my life just tried to kill me and you want me to, in your own words, calm down. I don't think so, Marduk, and I don't think so, Ageless!!"

"There, there, Silk," Ageless soothed. "Marduk got you out and I quite easily handled that bad man and you are safe and sound."

"Why are you two treating me like a child? I'm nearly killed by a total stranger and you two keep acting like it's nothing! Well, it's something to me, let me tell you." The short man paced in Marduk's lair, working himself into a frenzy.

"Silk," Marduk said,"let me tell you a story."

"Of course, fairy tales at a time like this," Silk snapped.

"SILK, TAKE A SEAT AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!!!!!" Marduk roared forcefully.

Chastened the nervous man took a human sized seat, drumming his fingers and crossing and uncrossing his legs. "I'm all ears, Marduk. You have the floor."

Marduk began his story:

"Many, many years ago, before Sade came to full power in Daewood, there was still a royal family. A wise and benevolent king, his beautiful and kind queen and their three wonderful and bright children. Sade knew that to gain power over the land he would have to kill these people and take their place as ruler. A great battle was fought and many brave men gave their lives in service to the land, but in the end Sade was triumphant and his evil forces engulfed the castle of the wise king and the family was taken hostage. Sade, in his wickedness, concieved a plan. If the people saw their own royal family slaughtered in public, it would break their spirit and Sade would at last win. There, in front of the castle, in front of the defeated army, in front of the people of Daewood, Sade commanded the royal family slain. We Dragons were in hiding here in the Realm of Time and Space and heard the deathcries of the king and queen and children in our minds. If you know anything about Dragons, you know that we are quick to anger and mindless in our rage. But my father was able to keep the Dragons from storming out of here and letting Sade know that we still existed. He quickly gathered a troop and they went to Daewood and secretly retrieved the body of the middle child, Adalia. She had been only sixteen when she was slain, but a more beautiful, lively quick-witted child was not to be found. Bringing her body back to the Realm, to this very lair, my father turned to me and said 'Now I must retrieve her mind. You will use your arts, Marduk, to heal her body and when I return I will return her mind to her body and she will live again.' I knew of my father's plan. He would return to Daewood before she was killed and leech her mind from her body into his own. Calling upon all the power in me, I began to heal her wounds, to make her heart beat again, and the breath return to her body. When my father returned, he looked upon my work and smiled at me. "You have done well, my son. She is as beautiful as ever. And you will be a fine Leader for the Dragons.' Turning to Adalia, my father began his task. Hours he spent putting that laughing, loving girl back into her body. And in the end Adalia rose from her bed as my father slumped to his death. I mourned for my father, but I knew what I had to do. Adalia was taken back to Daewood in hiding and was secretly watched over by Dragons for the rest of her life. And we have kept an eye on her descendents as well. Her line flourished in Daewood and to this day her children's children's children are watched and kept safe from harm..."

"That's a nice story, Marduk. But what does it have to do with me?" Silk asked.

"Because Adalia was your grandmother's grandmother, Silk," Ageless said quietly, an enigmatic smile on her lips.


[SIL] Silk gawked at Ageless for a few moments. His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to talk while nothing came out. The expression that crossed Ageless' face was that of one about to laugh but trying not to. "If you laugh at me again…" Silk started but was cut off as Ageless began laughing uncontrollably. "I fail to see the humour in this!" he complained and went off into a corner to sulk. After she had calmed down, Ageless went to cheer up Silk who stubbornly continued sulking. "Silk! You can't just go around sulking like a spoiled little child who isn't getting their way! Maybe if you didn't act so childish we wouldn't treat you like a child! Now get on your feet, stop sulking and act like who you are! You're a king now, not a commoner and most definitly not a spoiled child!" Silk, who had been taken aback by the woman's sudden, unexpected rage, quite quickly listened. "So," Silk began, "just to be sure I understand this, some fellow by the name of Sade killed the royal family way back when. Then Marduk," he nodded towards the dragon, "raised my great great grandmother back from the dead and hid her with a bunch of commoners. She got married and had kids, who got married and had kids, and eventually I came along, yet, no one ever had the decency to warn me that one day I might be scooped up by the dragon woman and her comrades and dragged all around to earth to fight someone I don't know and then, assuming I survive this traumatic experience, they expect me to go and rule a country as well?"

"That's about it." Ageless replied.

"And, why is it, that no one ever told me about this?"

"Marduk just did." Silk rolled his eyes.

"Alright, how come no one told me prior to this? You know, somewhere around the beginning would have been nice."

"If I had you wouldn't have believed me. Besides, no one else knew."

"You mean the people didn't just happen to notice the fact that a member of the royal family was living next door?"

"She had been killed, remember? They just assumed there was a resembance and they happened to share a name." Silk thought about that for a while and, finally satisfied, accepted what she said as truth.

"One more question. Why aren't I dead yet?" Ageless and Marduk both looked puzzled at this question.

"Dead. You know. Six feet under. The opposite of alive. Not breathing. Worms eating my carcass for _ sake!"

"Silk, we do know what dead means." Agless replied patiently, "Now why should you be dead?"

"Oh, I don't know," he replied sarcastically, "Let me think. Oh! I remember now! I was engulfed by a giant fireball! Or do you take that as an every day occurrence?"

"Oh, that. You have the Old Blood in you."

"And this means???"

[AGE] Let's see, Ageless says, then looks and smiles at Silk. Guess the best thing to do is to start from the beginning. When the world was first formed and people were bought into being the god's looked and one bloodline stood out the most of all bloodlines. That line carried all the honorable traits that the god's cherished the most. In their wisdom they knew that the people of this world would need to have a leader and king to guide the nations. Thus the god's called all the nations together and proclaimed your great ancestor Maxwell king of the world of Daewoo. In doing that they marked your line by altering you blood as to where no magic can kill or work against you. The only way for your family to be killed or harm it would have to be done by hand. Then the god's called upon the Dragon's to be watcher and protectors of your family. Also by doing this not only did your family get the love of the dragon's , others would be less likely to go against you knowing that dragons were not only watches but friends of your family.

Silk sit there just taking in all the information that had been told to him. As Ageless watched she could see his mind working trying to take all that in all that has been told to him. Then all of a sudden Silk looks at Ageless. That is what you meant when you said I was suppose to come with you. A smile crosses Ageless's face of course dear. It is in your bloodline to do the honorable thing and protect us helpless females. Silk makes a face, then starts laughing , oh boy if I had known this was going to happen when Kara first came to me I would have run. That my dear is why we didn't tell you before. Looking into Silk's eyes I spoke your highness you need to eat and rest. You have a ways to go and need to be heathy. You can sleep in my place, and with that I led Silk to my place which was right next to Marduk's lair. After Silk had eaten and laid down. I left to confer with Marduk about what happen and what I had seen in the battle with Tek.
As I told Marduk what I had seen , he turned his mighty head toward me. Show me in my mind Ageless, I nodded and sent forth all that I had seen but hiding the other thoughts of Tek to me. Marduk's eyes narrowed. Hmmm interesting very interesting. Yes and strange, I spoke, as if I was there, Then I jumped up, that is it I yelled. Marduk looks at me in the same instance and realizes what has come to me. Hmmmm this does change some things and perhaps to our side. Yes indeed and with a little push he could bring Tek to our side. Besides it is his blood as it is in Tal's to do the right thing. And being Tal's twin brother makes it even more so. Ok Marduk you will be taking Silk to Diana. I need to get back to Tal and Androkills and head to the Hidden City. Tal must bring the magi out. Then they can head to meet Diana and I can go and watch Tek. I have a feeling he knows where two of the books are. With that I change back into a old lady and heads to Tal.

** *** **

[TAL] Back in Lasha a young married couple walked the streets. It was late afternoon and they strolled through the markets contentedly hand in hand. They stopped occassionally to look over a stall, the merchants always smiling at the enchanting young wife as she exclaimed excitedly over some new fabric or scented candle. None of the merchants particularly liked the look of her husband. He appeared to be a hard, tough man, dressed in moderatly rich attire...but it was his movements he couldn't quite diguise. He moved like a warrior, a solider. The merchants took note of this as the couple approached their stall, but each one invariably forgot about the husband as their attention was captured by the engaging conversation and bright smile of the wife. For the past two days this young couple had wandered the markets, purchasing very little, but observing and talking to others quite a lot. Always the young husband would rouse suspicions and wariness within the stall owners, always the young wife would put them at their ease. On more than one occassion the young lady had wondered would they be so easily soothed with her smile if they knew of the five (or so) daggers she kept sharp and concealed beneath her clothing...?

As the sun began to set the young couple re-entered the Inn in which they stayed..waiting. The sudden disappearance of Ageless had been startling, although Tal assured Androkills that she would return...and so they waited. Their daily strolls through the market had proven of little use in the way of new information. They were both beginning to get frustrated by their immobility and their lack of knowledge. Tal had tried on several occassions to reach Ageless with her mind, but had only succeeded in giving herself a headache. Where ever she had gone, Tal was still too inexperienced to reach her. Tal and Androkills, still hand in hand, passed through the common room of the Inn and went directly to the room they shared. Once inside with the door safely closed Tal threw her shopping basket across the room and collapsed in the closest chair.

"Gods! If I have to exclaim in delight over yet another piece of damned material I think I'll go mad", said Tal as she kicked off her shoes.

"Hey, come one", grinned Androkills, "you're really good at it. You almost had me thinking you actually cared about that new shade of red silk". The warrior laughed as a shoe flew past his head.

"Well I don't think we'll be doing that again. We haven't found out anything we didn't already know, except for a lot of useless town gossip. Do I care if the Baker's wife is chasing the Butcher? No. What we need is something about Sade, Kal, the Books, anything at all!" Tal's frustration was evident in the way in which she wrenched the pins from her hair and threw them across the room. Androkills raised his eyebrows then placed the tunic he'd removed on a chair.

"It may seem like we found nothing Tal, but you never know. We _did_ hear talk about the Books, yes I know it was only the same information recycled that we heard when we first arrived, but its still something. The fact that word of the Books is circulating at all is something. We'll just have to wait for Ageless, perhaps she'll find some clue in what we've heard that we've simply missed. And besides", he grinned amusedly at her, "you're lucky...many a woman would relish the chance of playing the part of my wife for a couple of days."

Tal said nothing but merely glared at Androkills' amused expression, then unable to sustain her anger and frustration, she laughed, feeling the tension leave her as she did so.

She was startled to silence when a voice spoke in both their minds, "I see you've managed to keep yourselves amused...I hope I'm not interupting anything..." and as the sentence faded in their minds Ageless appeared before them, a grin upon her face. "Now tell me", she said, "what have you two been up to?"

Tal and Androkills shared a glance then, after Ageless had settled herself in a chair, Androkills filled her in while Tal ordered them all a meal.


[AGE] As dinner was brought up to the room, and Androkills filled me in on what they had manage to find out. My mind was working, yes I believe that does helps. The fact they know about the books is enough to tell me that at least two have been found. What makes you think that Ageless Tal ask? According to the history that has been study, there was mention that two of the books were left in the city. And I have a good ideal who has them, and I have a feeling about that , with a wondering look on my face. Tal looks at me. OK Ageless just what have have you been doing? All I know is that all of a sudden I hear in my mind about old blood. I laugh, yes Tal I think you had better be sitting down when I enlighten you on this one. You see Silk is of the old royal family. Tal and Andorkills jumps What did you just say? I said that Silk is of the old royal family. ?Androkills looks at me, oh girl you are to good, you mean to tell me that by some miracle one of the royal blood was spared. Now that must of been a trick to do considering they were all killed right in plain view of all. yes dear it was and it cost Marduk's father's life to do it. Suddenly I see this sick look on Tal's face and I start laughing. What is so funny Age? Hmmmm you going to tell me I now have to bow to Silk? No dear we are of a different breed. So don't worry to much about that but you will have to live under his rule. And trust me dear the man was going to protect us defenseless women so I don't think he will be a bad ruler once Silk gets use to the ideal. Tal's face lightens up. Yes that must of put Silk for a loop, just picturing the fellows reaction.
Now here is what we are going to do. we will be leaving in the morning so Androkills, you need to go and get everything ready for us to leave. We are heading for the island of the mystic for there we will be able to find some of the other books, and then we go to the hidden city. Tal you are going to bring forth the Magi's. Then you guy's will meet Marduk and the others. Tal chokes me????? I smile brightly yes you dear. Don't fret we will have time to give you more practice and dear then next time you try to contract me don't think it is not working that will give you a headache and make your message come out like drumbeats. Tal makes a face, funny Age very funny, Come Androkills lets go and get things ready for the trip in the morning. I watch them walking out of the door. I lean back in the chair my thoughts wondering to Tek and his face comes into my mind........

** *** **

[TEK] Tekarious stood at the edge of a war camp. Everywhere he looked he saw the haste of soldiers preparing for battle. Not feeling like dealing with the men Tekarious spoke the words of a spell to make himself unseen. He then proceeded to move stealthily through the camp, all the way to the great tent in the center.  Inside he heard the voice of Balinok Oge and another familiar voice. He decided to wait a moment before entering and listen in.

As he peered through the tent flap he saw Balinok speaking with a sending from Kal. Kal spoke to Balinok saying, "I am going to send Tekarious to you but you must be careful of him! Something has happened to a wall I placed within his mind, there are things held behind that wall I do not wish him to remember.

Balinok asked, "And if he already has?"

Kal answered, "Kill him."

Kal continued, "The ones you hunt were seen in Lasha.  I believe they are now headed toward that island of magi scum. Hunt them down and if at all possible capture them. I want them to have a public execution.  Let the world know Sade is there one true ruler.

Tekarious was more confused then ever after hearing this. Why would Kal, the only father he had ever known, place a block in his mind? More importantly, why would he order his death if it fell? What was so important that Tekarious shouldn't know?

Tekarious decided it might be wise to follow Balinok from a safe distance for the time being. As he turned to leave he heard one last thing. Kal told Balinok he had finally found a book in a sunken ship. Tekarious thought to himself, "That means Kal has a book, I have two, and Ageless has one…

Then another thought struck Tekarious, "How do I know what Ageless has?

** *** **

[TAL] Androkills and the two women had packed up their supplies and rode out of Lasha at dawn as the city gates were opened. They made their way on horseback towards the port town of Pishgib, from there the plan was to find a ship willing to take them to the Isle of Mystics. The world knows sailors are a superstitious bunch, and Tal wondered to herself how one could be persuaded to venture anywhere near the mysterious Isle. 

By evening they were an appreciable distance from Lasha and Ageless led them off the road to set up camp. For once they had been travelling on the main road, thinking the risk slight in this countryside and a small price to pay for the speed it gained them. Dismounting from her horse, Tal surveyed the land about them as her two companions began making camp. All seemed quiet. Ageless called Tal over to eat and as she turned towards her mentor, Tal caught a flash of movement in some nearby trees. Movement which was accompanied by something that shone like metal. 

Doing her best not to reveal she had noticed the watcher, Tal made her way over to Ageless and Androkills. She spoke quietly into both their minds: don't turn, but there's someone watching us in the woods behind me. I'm fairly certain there's only one, but whoever it is is armed. I think we can assume they don't just want to borrow a cup of sugar.  Androkills nodded almost imperceptivity at this and Ageless' eyes lost their focus as she searched the woods with her mind. The three continued to eat and talk of inconsequential things so as not to alert the watcher as Ageless Searched. 

Ageless shifted uncomfortably then whispered into their minds: I get only a sense of this watcher. I'm not sure how, but he has been cloaked in some way...I can get nothing but a sense that there is only one watcher, being male and is directing nothing but malice towards us. We must capture him. Ageless' mind-voice took on a note of grim determination as she uttered those last words and Tal and Androkills' eyes locked on each other. A plan formed silently between them, and after finished his meal, Androkills made a show of leaving the camp on some quick scouting expedition.

Ageless and Tal settled back to wait, keenly feeling the eyes of the watcher...apparently Androkills wasn't his target.

They waited an hour, in which time Androkills had silently circled the woods and come at the watcher from behind. At a signal from Ageless Tal began running towards the watcher at the same moment Androkills jumped him. Caught completely unaware, the watcher struggled against first Androkills and then Tal but was unable to escape. The held him down, his ugly face twisted towards them, filled with loathing. His eyes sparkled with hatred, as he spoke to them in a voice harsh, and grating. "You don't know what you're doing. Let me go fiends and perhaps my master will spare you when you have the misfortune to meet him." The captive snarled and spat at Taliesin.  In a quick movement, Tal brought her hand back and hit the man across the face. "You're in no position to threaten us, give us enough information and we might let you live". Androkills frowned at the man as he caught sight of something around the man's neck. Reaching inside the tunic he roughly yanked an amulet from the mans neck and held it up for Tal to see. It had power within it, she could feel it. They set it aside for Ageless to examine later, then turned their attention back to their spy. He had become still after the amulet was removed and now looked at them with a resigned expression. He spoke again, his voice still harsh to their ears, "That amulet was a gift from my master's master. I'm a dead man now, so let me deliver my message".

The captive took on a tone that clearly told Tal and Androkills that he was carefully reciting something he'd had committed to memory. "My master, Bane, whose only master is the Lord of all, Sade, bids me tell you to end your quest. It will bring you only death. No one is a match for the power of Sade, and no warrior a match for Bane, my master. Accept Sade as your Lord and Master and be spared." With the end of the message he started to smoke and Tal quickly stood back pulling Androkills with her...the man abruptly burst into flame, leaving only a small pile of ash. Tal and Androkills looked at each other then made their way back to Ageless.

After Telling Ageless the message, they asked who this 'Bane' person was, but only received Ageless' pale expression for an answer and that Bane was indeed Sade's right hand man. Upon seeing the amulet, Ageless immediately smashed it, offering no explanation for her actions. They rested that evening then continued on at dawn the next day. They travelled closer to Pishgib for a couple of days with no further troubles...although this time they went again by the slower route through the woods. 

** *** **

[MAR]  It was a damp and dreary day in the mountains surrounding the Elven city. The clouds were hanging low in the sky as they had hung for days.  Suddenly, the clouds over the city moved outwards in a perfect circle and the city was highlighted in golden sunlight. And out of this circle, came the Dragons, hundreds of Dragons. Their Leader Marduk landed in the square of the hidden city and Silk jumped from his broad back.
"Brave Elves of Daewood, come forth from your houses and hear my words, " Marduk called. The Elves left their homes and quickly congregated around the large Dragon.
" You've returned! " Daina exclaimed.
"Yes, and I have brought you a special package. One that you must take care of and treat carefully. Behold, the lawful king of Daewood!"
" But where is he, Marduk? " Daina asked as she looked around curiously.
" Why right here, my dear Daina," Silk said proudly.
"You, the rightful king of Daewood?" Daina was overcome with laughter.
" He's right," Marduk explained, " Due to the efforts of myself and my father, the Bloodline is intact. Silk carries the Old Blood and is the rightful king of our beloved land. I leave him in your care and he will go forth with you as your army leaves the city to challenge Sade."

Sade was at that moment in his capitol playing his usual favorite game.  It was a simple game actually. It was called Torture the Informant to find where Ageless was. He was having his usual success. None.
" I can tell you where she is, My Dread Lord." a voice spoke in his head.
" I tire of this," Sade said darkly. " You promise me information and all I hear is Marduk, Marduk. I am sick of this Marduk, I tell you."
" I will give you what you seek but I must have your word that Marduk will be destroyed. For if you have the Dragonwoman the Dragon will not be far behind."
" You have my word, Faceless One."
" So begins the fall of Marduk."

** *** **

[SIR] They had been riding through a sparse wood, Tal and Androkills each trying to unhorse the other. Neither had been having much luck so far and Ageless was finding it hilarious. All three were laughing merrily and this, combined with the sunny green wood and the fact that they had not seen another person since leaving the road two days ago, lulled them into a false sense of security. Tal had just taken a half-hearted swing at Androkills which narrowly missed his horses ears and caused him to dodge uncomfortably in his saddle. Ageless, laughing at the sight of Androkills hanging precariously from the side of his horse, over took the pair and moved ahead.
She was suddenly swept out of her saddle by something which sprang from the trees. She found herself held tightly from behind, a dagger at her throat and her arms pinned expertly to her sides. Ageless cursed herself for letting her guard down and not sensing the danger.
"Drop them." The speaker was obviously referring to the weapons still held by Tal and Androkills who were only a few paces away but Ageless was surprised to hear that the voice belonged to a woman and not, as she had ironically assumed, a man.
Tal and Androkills looked at each other and then at Ageless without loosening their weapons. The dagger pricked at Ageless' throat.
"Drop them." Ageless spoke calmly and her colleagues obliged.
"Back." The girl commanded the two on horseback. Androkills and Tal moved their horses back a few paces. "Further," the girl prompted, "good," as they moved back again.
The dagger and arm holding her vanished as suddenly as they appeared and Ageless was shoved roughly forward between the horses. The girl pounced on the weapons and retreated with them to sit on a fallen log about fifteen feet away from the trio. Ageless spun to confront her, flanked by Tal and Androkills.
The girl was young, certainly no older than 25. She was tall blond and dressed as a man in pants and a sleeveless leather vest. She was casually examining Tal's sword while the dagger was still held in her right hand.
"Nice sword," she complemented looking back at Tal and chopping experimentally at the air.
"Thanks" replied Tal dryly.
"Who are you?" Ageless demanded making as if to step forward.
"Don't do that," the girl advised raising the dagger. Ageless stopped moving and the girl smiled at her humourlessly, "So what are you three doing here?" she asked.
"Passing through," Androkills replied glaring at her.
"That's what the road is for," she countered.
"So we're taking short cut," answer Tal. The girl just raised an eyebrow, indicating that this was not a good enough explanation.
Ageless spoke up, "We mean no harm here," she said, "we thought to evade those who might look for us on the road by cutting through the wood. It also gave my colleague here," she indicated Tal with a wave of her hand, "a chance to practice without drawing attention to us. A woman swinging a sword seems to have that effect in some places."
The girl looked at Ageless in silence for a moment then smiled at her again, genuinely this time. 
"All right then, I'm going to take a chance and trust you," she sheathed her dagger and walked forward, "after all judging by the performance on the horse you're the only remotely dangerous one," she added looking at Tal. She tossed the weapons up to the two on horseback. Androkills was frowning and trying not to blush while Tal decided that she might like this girl after all.
"Sorry about that," she was saying to Ageless, "I wouldn't have hurt you or anything, just making a show for the spies. Doing my job."
"What spies?" demanded Androkills and then with a confused frown, "your job?"
"Mmm," she replied looking him up and down and obviously not finding anything special, "I was hired by the baron who owned this part of the woods." She struck a heroic pose and continued in an overly dramatic voice, "to guard his estates and his august personage from bandits and assassins."
Tal raised her eyebrows and the girl dropped the dramatics. "The spies are sent because he still isn't sure that I can do the job. The distinguished baron is overly paranoid, there is no need for me - or anyone else - to do this at all. I've been here almost a month and you are the only people who have come anywhere near the estate. I should know," she said, voice full of scorn, "he makes me patrol."
"A woman?" Ageless asked wondering why a baron would hire a woman to do what was conventionally a mans job.
She shrugged, "I had certain advantages over the other applicants. You look intelligent." With this cryptic remark she moved forward again to stand within a foot of Ageless' face, Ageless noticed that her eyes were green. The girl raised her hands and flicked with her index fingers at her ear lobes. Ageless looked at the earrings and gasped, taking an involuntary step backwards. "that's right," the girl said with a mocking half-smile. She turned away again and went to sit back on the log.
"What is it?" asked Tal.
Ageless was staring at the girl in disbelief, "she's a Tienen" she breathed.
Ageless turned to Tal who obviously had no idea what she was talking about, "a member of the Guild of Tien, professional assassins," she continued, "they were trained to kill with their bodies as well as with weapons. I didn't know they accepted women."
"They didn't" the mocking half-smile had disappeared to be replaced with a combination of fury, sorrow and determination.
"Didn't?" queried Tal, picking up on the use of past tense.
"They were massacred about two year ago," Ageless explained, "only a few escaped."
"Seven," the girl corrected, "four of which have been hunted down and killed since. Myself, my teacher and... another are all that is left." She slipped into reverie.
"Ageless?" Tal broke the silence, "Is she meant to come with us?"
Although she had not foreseen this meeting, new avenues were opening in Ageless' mind. The girl would surely prove useful. "Yes," decided Ageless. She addressed the girl on the log, "We are on a quest. It is of the gravest importance and the world itself may depend on the outcome." The girl gave no sign that she had heard but Ageless was sure she was listening. "The ones we battle are strong," she continued, "but hopefully we will prove stronger. It will of course be dangerous but I think that we could use your help in this, if you will join us."
The girl turned her eyes full on Ageless. "If the ones you battle are Sade and his minions then you will need my help in this."
"Oh?" Androkills was more than slightly sceptical, "and why would that be?"
"Because I am the only one who would hope to defeat his pet second, the head minion himself."
"Bane." Tal said, her lips curled with loathing.
The girl looked down as if ashamed, "He is the other I spoke of," she explained, "once we were...close. We were training partners at the guild, the best they had. He betrayed us when he joined Sade's followers."
"Then you are coming." Ageless stated.
She nodded then smiled as if relieved. "Wait here, I'll fetch my things and my horse and gratefully take my leave of the noble baron." She ran off into the trees and then suddenly stopped, "By the way," she called over her shoulder, "my name is Siren."
"Well," exclaimed Androkills as she disappeared from view, "thats a name I've heard of."

** *** **

[AVE & TOR]  Avelina sat on watch. The land was dark around her, the fire was kept small. She sat comfortably, but alert. Her natural senses together with her sixth sense, that of a Seer, ensured that the dark night hid nothing from her. All was quiet this night as it had been since the night she had met Defiler once again. The two of them had been travelling together these past weeks, becoming reacquainted, and rekindling the close affection they had held for one another in childhood. Avelina could sense where Defiler's sleeping form lay behind her. His breath was even and quiet, he seemed totally at ease. But Avelina knew he would be awake and ready to wield his arcane power at a moments notice.

Much of their friendship had been rediscovered on this journey, after years of separation, but she knew Defiler, her brother, still held back from her..there was something about him that now seemed 'dark' - or at least, darker than when they had last parted. There was something else as well...a shadow about him that she couldn't explain. It was a shadow that she found perplexing...especially when she noticed the same shadow about her wolfhound. The shadow existed around and within Wolfie as well, albeit to a lesser extent. Avelina sensed they would be parted, though she couldn't 'see' how or why.

Avelina's senses told her of something, she slowly tightened her grip on her staff, alerted by a sound near to camp. A few tense seconds passed and then the young warrior relaxed as she recognised the movements of their horses. The rest of the night passed uneventfully as the previous nights had. At dawn Defiler awoke and they set off. The pair were close to Cattraeth...a few more days riding and they'd be back in civilisation. There'd been no trouble so far, but trained as Avelina and Defiler were, they never let their guard down.

And yet for all their skills, both magical and mundane, the young woman with the quarterstaff and the brooding, dark-looking man, never sensed or even suspected the figure who shadowed them as they rode out. He was the same being who had, in fact, been following them for the last week or more.

Toronian had been following them for quite awhile. He was by now infatuated with Avelina's beauty but he had sensed an evil power from her travelling companion. If he was evil then so was she by association - he would wait and learn and see. He had to choose the right time to strike - watching, listening to them, always having his psychic shields and mental barriers shielding him from all detection. Having been hated here at one time when working for the wrong side he may still have alot of enemies..... thats if they recognized him. His steely blue eyes pierced out from under his black elven helm watching them still.

A while passes, though still no time to strike. He shadows them a few more nights always hiding in the shadows, using them to his advantage.... then one night a small roving band of orks lead by a huge troll in bone armor carrying a huge weapon seething a black type of ooze that really reaks of death. Toronian flies up well out of way watches the group of about 20 orks and the troll sneak up on the unsuspecting threesome. Just before they are in eye sight the troll roars out a battle cry and charges followed by the 20 orks - each one drawing a weapon, the orks armed with a variety of short swords,long swords and two-handed axes, look more like a war party than a hunting.

Moments before the troll's great cry reverberated across the land, Avelina had called a warning of 'danger' to Defiler. His magical senses swiftly identified the band of orks and their trollish commander. Defiler spoke urgently to his sister, "Quickly Ave - thats a war band coming down on us. Some of Sade's lot no doubt. No time to run, we'll have to stand and fight as best we can." His apparent doubt of their abilities alarmed Avelina and compelled her to ask, "How many?". "20", answered Defiler as he dismounted from his horse, "at least 20 orks...lead by a troll." They looked at one another as they both faced each other on foot - only the two of them...it would be a hard fight.

There was no time for any other thoughts or conversation as the band of orks came charging over the rise...obviously looking to kill. Avelina and Defiler stood ready to defend themselves, each knowing their chances of survival were slim.

** *** **

[AGE, SIR & TAL]  Once Siren had packed her stuff and informed the baron that she was leaving, we headed to the shoreline. Siren was still looking at Tal and summing her up. As we were riding my mind was working. I realized she was a very talent women but cocky. So I decided that once we got to the shoreline it would be the time to show her just who she had gotten mixed in with. I send forth my mind to let Tal and Androkills not to let her know who I truly was and for Tal to keep letting her think she was the one she need to worry about. Which is a sense was true for Siren didn't know that Tal was a true Magi of pure Magi blood. I had to laugh to myself for I knew that even Siren as all the others believe that dragon's were nothing but a myth as I was. Even if Sade may even have a hint of the dragon's being alive , he would never let the people. To give the people hope would be the last thing Sade would ever want to do. As I stayed in the back of the group letting the others lead I heard Tal and Siren talking. I listened.........

"So what's the deal?" Siren was asking Tal.
"Well why are two women, one of which who obviously knows how to use a sword, wandering the country with this ex-fighter?"
"Ex?" Androkills exclaimed from behind them.
She smiled but didn't look around, "I mean, its hardly a usual occurrence isit? Especially considering how she," nodding her head towards Ageless's back, "seems to be the leader." "What makes you say that?" Androkills asked suspiciously.
Siren turned in her saddle and looked at him as if he had just told her the sky was blue. "Because she leads. Leaders do that sometimes." She turned back as Androkills tried in vain to think of a suitable reply.
"We're going to fight Sade aren't we?" Tal replied, smiling at Androkills discomfort.
"I know that," Siren said, "but the three of you aren't really going to make much difference to him are you? Unless you have a pretty substantial army waiting for you. Or a secret weapon perhaps?"
"We have both actually," Tal replied, "the army is gathering as we speak and the secret weapon, well," she smiled at Siren, "that's secret. For the moment."
"I should have known youd say that."
"Don't worry, Ageless will tell you everything when the time is right."
"Very well then, I can wait. Do you want to practice with me," she asked, changing the subject, "I promise I wont be as acrobatic as our big friend back there."
Tal laughed and drew her sword. Androkills frowned at the back of sirens head.

Before Tal and Siren could get started with their sword play I rode up front and announced that we would set up camp here. The two women looked at me as if I had just committed a crime. I looked back at them and went yes? Tal sighed looked at Siren and said come on let's make camp. Once we had gotten something's unpacked and a small fire going, I started cooking and told the women to go and play but not to get carried away. Tal knew what I meant and just nodded. Siren looked at Tal wondering why a women with the talents that she must have with a sword would listen so well to this mere women who seem to really have no fighting talent at all. Yes she admitted that the woman Ageless eyes showed great signs of intelligence and yet something else seem to be there that she just couldn't seem to put a finger on.  Siren then looked at Tal and said shall we. Tal grinned this grin and the sword play begun. I myself was cooking but in my mind things were unfolding to me. I realized that this Siren and Bane had once been lovers.  I also realized that Bane knowing that perhaps she was the only one with the skill to kill him in a physical battle would be looking for her. And knowing the vain of Bane he would relay on her love for him to sway her to his side.  But in the same aspect he had a love for her. This would be interesting to see but something I was not going to leave for chance. I knew that I need to get a message to Marduk and the others to have them meet up with us on the Island of Mystic's. I looked up at the two sword fighting a good match I must say. Even Siren seem a little surprised at Tal's skill. Of course Siren didn't realize that Tal was Magi and she surely didn't realize who I was.
I decide that she need to see. That alone would install in her a loyalty. For her group had always respected the legends of the Dragon's even if they thought they were just legends. They based their morals and beliefs on these legends. I smiled to myself as I walked toward the women fighting and asked if they could stop and move a little for me. Tal looked at me realizing what I was going to do and pulled Siren by the arm to move.  Siren looked at Tal like she was a little nuts but then didn't have time to say anything when before us stood a dragon. I looked up as the dragon bowed down and spoke quite clearly Ageless you have a message to be sent.  Ageless opened her mouth as if to speak but was interrupted by Siren.
“What the -!”
Both Ageless and Marduk turned to look at her.
Siren looked up with a confused expression and starred into the dragon’s huge eyes.
“Hello.” Marduk said.
“Ahhhhh, hey.”
Silence descended and Siren looked as if she was trying very hard to concentrate on something. She smiled at the dragon, “Excuse me,” she whispered and turned back to Tal and Ageless.
“Tal? You didn’t just hit me over the head with that sword of yours, did you?”
Tal was trying not to laugh at Siren’s obvious bafflement, “No.”
“Ah. Right.” She nodded. “So there really is a dragon? Standing right there?” She pointed at Marduk’s feet. “I’m not the only one who can see it?”
“No,” Ageless responded with a smile, “he really is there. His name is Marduk.”
“And he’s a dragon.”
“They are still with us Siren, people think they are extinct merely because they never see them, but they are as alive as you and me.”
Siren looked from Ageless to the dragon. “Right.”
“Are you feeling quite well?” Tal asked still smiling, “You look a little pale.”
“Right. Yes I ahhhh, I think I should sit down. Yes.” Siren wandered back to the fire, sat down heavily on a log and looked around her as if she suddenly had no idea where she was. “Right,” she said again and put her head in her hands.  “I think she’s in shock.” Tal sounded amused. She turned to Ageless and shrugged, “At least she didn't’t scream.”
Ageless smiled at her, “Perhaps you should talk to her. Tell her everything.”
Tal raised her eyebrows but didn’t comment and walked over to the fire to join Siren.
Ageless turned back to Marduk to give him the message.

Tal sat next to her new travelling companion. She wondered how she should begin. 'Tell her everything' Ageless had said...Tal thought that was a bit of a tall order.
"So", spoke Tal quietly with a trace of humour, "bit of a shock hey?" She couldn't quite keep the grin off her face as Siren glanced at her and made an indelicate sound, obviously not amused.
"Alright, look, Ageless said to tell you 'everything' but I think I'll save you days of listening to me talk about myself and simply sum it up for you.  Alright with you?"
Siren lifted her head to look at Tal. "Fine. Give me your abridged version of 'everything', as long as it tells me just whose company I've fallen in with".
Tal smiled, took a breath to collect her thoughts then spoke, "First of all, I'm not just a fighter. I'm a Magi. One of the best, if I can believe what Age has been telling me, although I admit I'm still in training", Siren gaped at her but said nothing, content to let Tal go on with her story for the moment. "Ageless is training me at the moment. Have you heard of a myth about a 'Dragon Lady'? A woman of great power who is said to be an ally to the dragons? yes? well that's no myth. That woman is Ageless. Friend of the dragons, as you've seen." Tal paused and they both glanced over to where Ageless still talked quietly with Marduk.
"Anyway", Tal continued, "she's very powerful. We have other allies which you'll probably meet later, including  elves. Androkills over there is what he seems, a warrior. An old friend of Ageless' actually. Although he has in his possession a great artefact, a book, one of several which we have to find before Sade gets his grubby hands on them. Right now we have to get to the Isle of Mytics so I can rally together my fellow Magi - though I've never met them before, but thats a personal problem of mine. So", she grinned at Siren's bemused expression, "thats who we are, more or less.  Together with some others you've yet to meet, we're going to overthrow Sade and restore Daewoo to its former glory. Or so the plan goes, anyway. Any questions?" Tal continued to smile as Siren stared at her, the once-assassin seemed to be trying to decide whether Tal was mad or not.

** *** **

[AGE]  As I looked over at Tal and Siren I had to smile as did Marduk. Marduk looked at me I see your plan. I smiled at him, yes I know I could have just sent word to you but I need for Siren to see just what she has gotten into. Just as I know that Bane will most likely be upset at knowing we have Siren with us. So lets meet her and install something's with this young woman. I called using my mind to both Tal and Siren. Siren head jerk up she looked at Tal , Tal laughed . You will get use to that my friend. As they got in front of us Marduk spoke. Siren as you see you have entered into a elite group of people. Just as I know more about you than you think. This I will tell you, and warn you, Bane will try his best to bring you to his side. So you must resist. If not Then Ageless will be forced to kill you before that will ever happen. And if you think she can't you are wrong. Ageless hates doing such things but we must do what we have to do in order to win this this war and restore Daewood back to the righteous. But I am also aware of your knowing what was becoming of Bane. Then Ageless spoke, do you know who hunted your group down and killed them? Siren looked Sade did. Yes but do you know who he sent to do it? Siren looked no not really. It was Bane dear. Siren looked and step back, Bane would never do that! Really I said then open your mind and let us show you what your Bane did. Siren hesitated but deep in her heart she felt that is was possible. OK as she said that I stood there and created a portal mirror . She looked knowing what she was seeing was true. I could see her face harden, as I put my hand on her shoulder I spoke softly, I am sorry for I know that your feeling about him tear you apart at times, but you are the only one who can defeat him in a battle, and I have no doubt that Sade has hedged him with his power. But know this when the time comes and you two must fight remember what you have seen and know that I will be the one hedging you. Now everyone lets break camp and get moving. I am sure that Bane will be looking for us in hopes that I would still be keeping secrets from you. Yes I do love a good chess game of the mind. It is what has kept me alive and uncaught for all these eons. So lets go and head for the island.

** *** **

[MAR]  Marduk smiled smugly to himself as he curled up for sleep in his lair. Everything was going according to the Plan. Daina had begun her part in the training of the Hidden Elves, but she had so much more to do. Silk, ah, now there could be a problem. Silk was beginning to comprehend his part, but Marduk could feel that it would take more than just cajoling the little man along to get a true king for Daewood. It would probably take a lot of shouts and threats to get him where he needed to be. Tal was almost in place for her first show of true power. And Ageless, Marduk chortled to himself, she must learn her next step according to the Plan. Marduk could imagine the look of shock and dismay as he revealed his plans to her.

"Care to share the joke?" Grashnor asked, lying beside him.

Marduk quickly brought his mental shields up. If Grashnor knew what Marduk planned there would be hell to pay.

"Just thinking how a good Plan comes together so well."

"Gloating, you mean," Grashnor teased, moving closer.

Marduk smiled. Yes, everything was going according to the Plan. Even the traitor was doing her part.

** *** **

[BAN] Bane watched the forms move through the world so many miles away from where he sat, eyes shut, in front of the fire. He made a low growling sound deep in his throat as he saw the band of travellers happily riding to their destination. A hand gripped his shoulder.
“You have done well, to see so clearly,” the hand was removed as Bane opened his eyes and drew in a deep breath. The voice turned hard, “ but not so well to let it happen in the first place.”
Bane leapt from up from the floor spinning as he did so to confront his master. “I thought I had time!”
Sade turned his head, face expressionless, “You were wrong.”
Bane lowered his head. “I know. But it was unexpected, there was no reason to suspect that Ageless would even see her let alone offer her a place in their pathetic little army. If she’d stuck to the damn road she wouldn’t have either.”
“Can you do anything about it?”
“Of course I can. I told you,” he smiled a sarcastic smile, “she loves me.”
Sade raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
“She’ll join us.” Bane was serious now, “She will.”
Sade stared at him for a moment, “If she is as good as you seem to think –“
“She is.”
“Then we could use her. The two of you together could be very useful indeed.” He looked back to whatever he was doing. Bane stood silent watching his masters hands move in the darkness. “I am however concerned about something. Here.”
Bane took the wine glass offered to him, “What?”
“You were attached to this girl, very attached I think. She is now among our enemies, the only person who could defeat you - in a physical battle anyway.  I cannot help but wonder, if she doesn’t forsake ageless for us…”
“If she doesn’t?”
“If she doesn’t forsake ageless for us, could you kill her?”
Bane grinned, “I can kill her.” he swirled the wine around in his cup and took a large, long sip. “She will join us. But if she doesn’t, I can kill her.”
Sade smiled, a slight lifting of one corner of his thin lips. “That is good.”
Bane smiled back and drained the last dregs of his wine, “Or she’ll kill me,” he added under his breath. “What was it?” He held up the empty cup.
“In the wine? Something to make you relax.” Sade moved closer to Bane holding him immobile with his eyes. “Sit down again and open your mind to me.” Bane sat again in his place by the fire and closed his eyes. “Good. Now
let me in Bane. I will show you how to use your power. Make you invincible.”
The cold palms pressed against his temples from behind and he felt the electric darkness surge through his mind. Bane sighed and sank into it willingly.

** *** **

AVE & TOR]  The ground shook as the ugly beasts charged towards them.  The towering figure of the troll advanced from the rear.  Avelina stood with staff raised, in a defensive stance, ready for any of the creatures that made it through Defiler's magic attack.  The grass about him had blackened as Defiler sucked its life-force to aid his magic.  As the mass of orks were about to close with the two young humans, Defiler released his spell and a wave of fire ripped through the orks.  Half their number died as the flames consumed them; the survivors retreated a little in disarray, dodging companions who ran with terror-filled eyes as they burned alive.  A sharp bark of command from the troll restored order and soon Avelina was using all her skill to stay alive.  She had rarely before fought an ork, and the first of her opponents surprised her with its great strength and unnexpected speed (considering its size).  After she knocked two of them down Avelina found it didn't get easier at all...but she managed to block, parry and thwack, and somehow stay alive.

Meanwhile, the land about Defiler blackened and died increasingly as he drained its life-force to feed his magic.  As he raised his hands to send another bolt of fire through an ork, he noticed a strange red flash coming from somewhere in the trees a little distance from the skirmish.  No time to think on what it might be, the dark mage took out several more orks with little effort, until he stood faced by the troll alone.  Avelina gave a final thwack to the back of an orkish head, then stood her ground next to Defiler...looking up at the troll's mighty form, wondering what would come next.

the Trolls 8 foot wirey frame towered above them wielding his 2 handed sword with relative ease. his eyes glowed red with some sort of unholy brilliance.  Defiler sensed something wasnt right with this creature. the creature then
gave a roar of anger and lifted his sword above his head and swung at Defiler wildly and uncaring. the creatures muscles all seemed to move with extreme agility without some sort of magical aid.

Toronian sat high in his vantage point on scylla, his black pegasus.  he watched with mixed disgust and anger when he saw the troll as he knew it was part of his hated enemy yet he was helping it to test the pairs fighting ability but if they couldn't overcome the creature he would then intervene.  yes, he wouldn't allow them to die at the creatures hands so easily. he decided to watch and wait. he was concerned about Defiler though he was a Mage who used life energy to power his spells only the Dark Magi used this ability so that meant this ones travelling companion was his enemy too. he was learning his fighting style working out his favourite spells. obviously the spell Toronian cast upon the Troll was a needed advantage for himself as he used the energies of the cosmo, and once cast the spell returned the energy it used.


The trees to their left withered and died as Defiler launched an attack at the maddened troll.  the fire ball he hurled at the great beast was larger and more powerful than those he had used on the orks...yet at the moment it should have struck the troll, his spell dissipated, causing the troll to pause only a moment in its forward motion.  Defiler's eyes widened in disbelief.  Avelina looked slightly startled, not understanding what was wrong with her brother's magic.  The troll advanced and swung at Avelina with its great sword.  With an effort she knocked its tip aside using her  staff, then ducked and rolled off to the side, temporarily out of the troll's reach.

Meanwhile Defiler threw a spell of ice at the beast - the Mage staggered back in shock as this too had no visible affect on his opponent.  The battle with the orks had wearied him already, draining the energy of living things inevitably becomes tiring.  Under normal circumstances either of his spells would have been powerful enough to rid them of the troll.  But something was aiding it.  Defiler danced out of the reach of the trolls swinging sword as he remembered the red flash he'd seen.  Something or someone else was interfering.  Defiler threw himself onto the ground as the troll slashed at the air where he'd been standing moments before.  There was no time to ponder the motives of the troll's unseen helper, he needed his concentration to try one last spell.  Avelina felt his intent and advanced on the troll, using her agility and speed to keep herself alive while she distracted it from what the mage did.  A shudder ran up her arms as she blocked a blow from the trolls sword on her staff.  She knew she lacked the strength to combat the troll for long.  Rather than engage it directly, Avelina decided it was best to stay just out of reach of the troll.  Even with her trained and natural speed, this was a difficult task.  The troll was more intelligent than its orkish companions had been...as Avelina ducked away from its sword, the troll suddenly brought its leg up unexpectedly and knocked Avelina to the ground.  She lay stunned, the pain brought thoughts that her leg was perhaps broken.  The troll let out a bellow of triumph.  It stopped short and quickly turned as it felt a spell being released from behind - the world around the troll turned black, the light was smothered and it slashed out wildly and blindly in front of it.  the spell enclosed around the troll...it was one of great power, designed to utterly crush the individual it was directed at.  The spell was a hard one, not often used.  Its victims were enclosed in darkness and then crushed out of existence, oblivion would take them.  Or at least thats what usually happened.  the darkness enclosed the troll, but as it shrank in around the creature the spell was fought off by that which protected the troll still.  Both were powerful spells and the energy of each lashed back and forth, one would eventually override the other.  Defiler's body shook badly as he struggled to control his spell, sweat poured from him.  In one final effort he threw the last of his leached power at the troll, light exploded around the creature...Avelina covered her head with her arms where she still lay.  Defiler wavered on his feet then collapsed - his strength gone.  Before he blacked out he had time to see the troll still standing, bewildered but certainly alive.

the troll was shaken from the experience but still untouched by any spell of Defiler's.  Avelina still lay, crumpled and hurt, unable for the moment to move.  The troll looked at the body of the mage, crumpled on the ground and from all appearances dead.  The great beast turned to the young female, its eyes glittered as it hefted its sword.  It's master, Sade, would reward it well for the death of this pitiful human.